Code of Country Living

WHEREAS you are applying for a driveway permit to construct a residence on land zoned agricultural, a resident and/or land owner with in the Town of York;

WHEREAS the Town of York Board of Supervisors wants to provide security to farms and agribusiness operating in our town as well as provide protection for you and your property;

WHEREAS what may be pleasant to one may be offensive to another; meet your neighbors so you understand their perspective;

THEREFORE the Town of York Board of Supervisors uses this means to educate and inform applicants who apply for driveway permits, a resident and/or land owner of potential drawbacks of country living such as:


  • from traffic, animals, tractors, motors, dryers and other agriculture equipment.


  • from semis, trucks, tractors, farm equipment, sprayers, wide slow-moving vehicles, stray cattle, etc.


  • It is possible that occasionally livestock get out of their enclosures resulting in them ending up on your property.

Seasonal Activities

  • Planting and harvesting happens at all hours day or night. Farmers have to work when the weather permits.


  • from traffic, soil blowing, chopping hay, pollen, etc.


  • from farms, feedlots, chemicals, fertilizers, manure, slurry, etc.


  • of pesticides, fertilizer, etc.


  • Landowners with or without animals are responsible for maintaining a Legal fence (See Chapter 90.05 of the WI State Statutes or Town of York Fence ordinance).


  • It is your responsibility to keep your dog(s) on your property.


  • from materials, parts, vehicles, etc. stored outside.

Public Services

  • reduced from city living – no garbage pickup, no bus pickup, no mail delivery on private roads.
  • living in rural Wisconsin you will NOT have all the services you have in the city

Emergency Services

  • longer response times for fire, police, ambulance, etc.

Winter Road Maintenance

  • could be snow-covered and slippery longer; you may have to own your own snow removal equipment or hire it done.
  • Plows do not run 24 hours a day. No plowing of private drives or non-township roadways. In case of emergency, contact one of the board members.


  • A farm presently operating in the Town should have the right to expand so long as they follow all applicable state, county, and other ordinances and building codes.

Download, Print and Sign

If you have not already signed and submitted a copy of this form to the Town of York Board please do so today.  Simply click this link to download a PDF version of this web page.